The Origins of Climate Denialism | Nathaniel Rich

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It takes a lot of work to get people to understand the reality after they have been poisoned by this propaganda for decades.
— Nathaniel Rich


Location: Skype
Date: Friday, 24th January 2020
Role: Author

In 1979, the global consensus from the scientific community, politicians and even the oil and gas industry regarding climate change was in agreement: increasing levels of C02 in the atmosphere was warming the planet, and this could lead to severe consequences. 

Losing Earth by Nathaniel Rich is a narrative from 1979-1989, telling the story of the scientists who risked their careers to convince the world to act before it was too late, the birth of denialism and the role of the oil and gas industry. 

Earth’s climate is warming rapidly, and the scientific community is mostly consistent as to the causes. The doomsday clock has now reached 100 seconds to midnight (the closest to midnight it has ever been), with climate change sighted as a key contributor.

According to the UK Met Office, the past decade (2010 to 2019) has been the hottest on record and five of the top 10 warmest single years have all occurred since 2015. In 2019, oceans hit record temperatures. Australia experienced the worst wildfires on record, and the Greenland ice sheet is melting at an alarming rate.

Even with the vast majority of the scientific community agreeing on climate change and tangible evidence that this is a real phenomenon, there is a loud opposition, fueled by misinformation.

In this interview, I talk to Nathaniel Rich. We discuss the early scientific consensus on climate change and the oil and gas industry’s effort to thwart policy change.

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