The Real Science of Climate Change | Prof. Katharine Hayhoe

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A thermometer is not Liberal or Conservative; it doesn’t give you a different answer depending on how you vote. The solutions are but we have to begin from a place of shared understanding that climate is changing. Humans really are responsible, we’ve checked, the impacts are serious, and we do need to act.
— Prof. Katharine Hayhoe


Location: Lubbock, Texas
Date: Monday, 17th February 2020
Company: Texas Tech University
Role: Atmospheric Scientist and Professor of Political Science

While the media continues to report on the threat of climate change and the habits of humans which are accelerating it, there is still considerable disagreement with the science. 

Even with this global consensus amongst climate scientists, there is a very vocal minority who state that human-caused climate change is a myth. They make claims such as 'all we are experiencing is a natural climate cycle', 'the models are unreliable' and even that 'Antarctica is gaining ice'. These arguments are backed by misinformation and often come from those who stand to benefit most from uncertainty around climate change such as oil and gas companies.

2019 was a record-breaking year; oceans hit record temperatures. Australia experienced the worst wildfires on record, and the Greenland ice sheet continues to melt at an alarming rate.

To discuss the facts around climate change and how humans contribute, I am joined by Katharine Hayhoe, an Atmospheric Scientist and Professor of Political Science at Texas Tech University. We also discuss the denialist mindset and how scientists have underestimated the severity of the problem.

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